Some of the stuff I found interesting around the blogosphere this week:
…preach the real Gospel with its comfort without hesitation C.F.W. Walther. If the gospel is good news, why do we feel we have to mix a little bit of bad news in to make people behave?
On the law and the gospel - Poetry by Ralph Erskine.
Not Faith, but Christ - Horatius Bonar. The righteous shall live by faith. But faith in what. So often we place faith in our faith rather than in Christ. "Faith does not justify as a work, or as a moral act, or a piece of goodness, nor as a gift of the Spirit, but simply because it is the bond between us and the Substitute; a very slender bond in one sense, but strong as iron in another."
The Indignity of Giving Thanks - It is impossible to worship God without gratitude, and it is impossible to be grateful while clinging to self-sufficiency and entitlement at the same time. Yes, there is some vulnerability in gratitude sincerely expressed, but that is because we are relational beings whose deepest needs can only be met in partnership with others and ultimately with God.
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