Friday, November 16, 2012

The Weekend Round-up 11/16/2012

Here's your round up for the week...

Sermon: Halloween vs Christmas - Transcription of a sermon by Nick Lannon. Probably worthy of Christian hate-mail in the Bible belt, but a fun read with some good points.

A great quoted bit from Martin Luther - posted on Liberate by Tullian Tchividjian.

Ralph Erskine on the Law - ...I run to my sweet husband, who hath sugared and sweetened the law, with a gospel-dress and form; which, giving strength to obey, and shewing the believer’s freedom from the wrath of God...

Standing on My Tiptoes - A great piece by Elyse Fitzpatrick about how we track our Christian growth in an attempt to measure up.

Hallelujah! What a Savior - John Dink: Cheap law weakens God’s demand for perfection, and in doing so, breaths life into the old creature and his quest for a righteousness of his own making. And what I’m telling you is this: what doesn’t kill him, makes him stronger. Lowering the bar lets the Old Adam peek into the Promised Land. It allows the flesh to survive by rebelling in a form of external piety.

Stuff Christians Say - We have our own music, our own movies, our own coffee houses and even our own cuss words. A humorous look at why we may appear 'peculiar' to the world, not necessarily in the biblical sense of 'peculiar'.

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