"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field."Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”Matthew 13:44-46
These are two very short and simple parables that Jesus related to the disciples, but for all their simplicity they are some of the most powerful passages in the Bible. They express something that we all too easily forget in the day by day struggles we face in this life – the value of what is ours through Christ Jesus!
The explosive message that is contained in the short passages quoted today is this – when we clearly recognize the value of the kingdom of heaven we will gladly pay any cost to make it ours. See the actions of the subjects of the parables. Are these people who begrudgingly sold their belongings to purchase the found treasures? It is apparent that they can clearly see that whatever the cost, that which they have found is of greater value than whatever they have to redeem to get it.
We have all heard stories from time to time of someone who finds a vintage automobile or aircraft or whatever sitting in a barn under some tarps somewhere which they bought for a song and which is worth many times what they paid. In fact, they probably could not afford to pay market value for the item they bought. When was the last time you thought of the kingdom of heaven in these terms? None of us has to pay market value for what Christ has given us – he has already paid it on the cross. He is offering us a bargain!
Lord-Let me not forget the value of the kingdom of God which is my inheritance through you. If I have let the things of this world compete with your kingdom for my affection, remind me of the value of what you have given me. Remind me that all I could ever store up or collect for myself in this life is of relatively little value, and that I am the recipient of a remarkable bargain if you accept this in exchange for what you offer.
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