In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.Luke 14:33
The other evening I was speaking to some friends about our faith and the Spirit seemed to give me an analogy that I had never considered before. I always thought that I was somewhat unique in that when I pass over a high bridge it always creates in me a curiosity to know what it would be like if I jumped over the edge! In fact, I intentionally avoid high bridges because I don't particularly like that feeling, and probably don't completely trust myself! As it turns out I am not unique in this -apparently many people have the same sensation.
What an analogy to discipleship! How often do we avoid that spiritual person or the Word or church meetings or quiet time because we can hear that still small voice of God pleading with us to jump over the railing? Are we also uncomfortable with that feeling? I began to wonder, what if six or eight men from Calvary jumped over the railing together? What kind of an impact would we have on our world? What if thousands of Christians all over this country, all over the world, jumped over the railing today? Could the world ever be the same?
If God is speaking to your heart today as He is mine, pray with me:
Almighty God,I can feel your Spirit engaging mine. I know you are calling me to a deeper, more intimate, relationship with you. I can feel you urging me gently toward the railing, and by faith I know what's on the other side. Help me jump over that railing and leave all I know behind. I want to trust you completely with my life.
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