Friday, October 28, 2011


I get farther and farther away from the 'magic wand' theory of regeneration every day. I do not doubt that we are made new creatures (first and foremost because scripture is clear on that point). Acceptance of the 'message of the cross' as anything other than foolishness is evidence of that. But I get farther away from the idea that being new creatures we are endowed with special powers within ourselves to combat sin and self-righteousness in our lives.

I spent so many years thinking that I was something completely different and wondering why in the world I could not live as if I were different. It all led to guilt and 'trying harder'. It was Romans 7 that finally dawned the light that sin is still alive in my flesh. Unbelievers have no concern about sin, they are just doing what comes naturally. The believer knows better and goes through torment as to why he can't seem to act according to that knowledge. I think that is what Paul is describing in Romans 7. All of the power we have to combat these things is external to us. It is by faith in Christ alone that we are being saved, just as it was by faith in Christ alone that we are saved. The Holy Spirit indwells us to remind us constantly to abide in Christ and what he has accomplished (1 John 2:27).

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