As we become more and more familiar with the Word of God we begin to recognize where many of the traditional norms of our society came from, even though we are drifting away from them. In today’s passage Paul admonishes us to be careful about how we speak to one another. In effect he is saying, as many of our mothers did, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all!”
In truth, Paul uses words slightly stronger than those of our mothers. The word which is translated “unwholesome” in the NIV is translated “corrupt” in the King James and is from the Greek word meaning rotten, derived from the word meaning “putrefied”. He is really saying that we should not let anything rotten or putrid proceed from our mouths. The things that would be considered putrid speech would be as listed: bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, slander and malice. These things do not build up our listener, but rather grieve the Holy Spirit. Our mother’s advice was sound; if any of these are about to proceed from our mouths, we would be better off to say nothing.
We have the choice, however, to speak only those words which are helpful in building others up according to their needs. Words of compassion, kindness and forgiveness accomplish the work of the Lord in our lives and the lives of our listener.
Let us attempt to monitor our speech for one hour today, asking the Lord’s help in doing so. By an act of will, if we find we are about to speak in an unwholesome (rotten, putrid) manner, let us stop and hold our tongues and search for words which will intentionally build up and benefit the person listening. And if we can’t say anything nice, let us not say anything at all!
Lord – Help me to be mindful of the things I desire to speak today, even before I speak them. Convict me of those things I would say that might tear others down or compromise my witness for you. Give me the specific words which will build up the person with whom I am speaking, for you know all of our needs. Use my tongue as an instrument of your will this day. Amen.
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